The concern is justified.

Organizations have an incredible amount at stake— proprietary data, classified information, brand, reputation, future revenue. Even human life.

Balanced action is vital.

Success is hinged on building the capability to identify risk, without driving new risk in the process.

The unit of measure is HUMAN.

Human behavior is what is being examined and what is being affected. Technical and non-technical activity is simply a reflection of this.

Achieving the ready state

No matter the state of your Insider Risk Program…

  • Nascent initiative

  • Fledgling stage

  • Mature capability looking to enhance

  • Program looking to build capacity

…Our phased approach maps the unique journey to your ready state.

Understand Your Today (Insider Risk, Insider Threat))

We evaluate your organization's readiness and capabilities to identify, manage, and/or mitigate insider risk.

  • Discovery and Baseline

  • Planning, Alignment and Evaluation

  • Review of Key Organizational Elements

  • Data Inventory and Review

  • Existing Insider Risk Programmatics, if any

  • Insider Risk Program Maturity Assessment, Findings

We collaboratively develop a blueprint to establish or enhance the existing Insider Risk Program in your organization.

  • Organizational Drivers, Processes, Priorities, and Technologies

  • Identify Barriers to Change

  • Multi-day, Socratic workshop

  • Insider Risk Program Strategy and Roadmap

Implement for Action (Insider Risk, Insider Threat)

We bring your design to life. Because ideas without execution are just ideas.

  • Insider Risk meets Change Management

  • Prepare Approach

  • Manage Change

  • Sustain Outcomes

  • Storytelling to Illustrate the “Wins” and Demonstrate ROI

We ensure your new Insider Risk Program doesn’t attenuate over time.

  • Retained Services

  • Secondment

  • Staff Augmentation

  • Team Building

Your people are what forge and sustain an effective Insider Risk Program.